The Skinny Drip
Includes Full Theraputic Doses: Hydrating Fluids ⚜ B Complex ⚜ Lipotropics ⚜ B12
B-Complex and MICC/B12 are the key ingredients in this drip. This drip helps your body metabolize and burn fat. It will also help to keep you on track with your health eating and exercise program.
Electrolyte Replenishment
Mood and Energy Booster
Brain Health Promotion
Improved Cell Health
Aids in Removal of Fat from the Liver
Assists with Cholesterol levels
Stress Reduction
Antioxidant Properties
Metabolism Booster
Available Add-ons:
Anti Nausea
Anti Inflammatory
Energy Boost
Immunity Boost
Enhance Mood
Mental Clarity
Athletic Boost